Posts by Simply Great Resumes

How to List Professional References

With so much information out there, it can be challenging to know what’s correct when it comes to how to list professional references. Some sources advise including them directly on your resume, while others suggest waiting until they are requested. This conflicting advice leaves you trying to figure out what the best approach is. In […]

Strong Verbs to Use in Your Resume in 2024

The landscape of resume writing continuously evolves, and in 2024, the need to stand out through impactful language is more critical than ever which is why I’ve posted the strong verbs to use in your resume. The right verbs can breathe life into your achievements, ensuring they are compelling and memorable. Here are some trending […]

Can AI Write My Resume?

There’s a pressing question that’s constantly being asked today: Can AI Write My Resume? As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to creep into various aspects of our lives, from personal assistants to automated customer service, its potential help with your job search has become a hot topic. In my opinion, while AI offers impressive capabilities in […]

Best Job Search Sites – 2024

Today, the best job searching sites are more than just boards for postings; they are comprehensive platforms that cater to a multifaceted career search and development process. From improving your digital presence on LinkedIn to diving into the detailed employer insights on Glassdoor, these platforms offer a amazing tools to support your career goals. In […]

2024 LinkedIn Profile Character Limits

Are you getting ready to write or update your profile and wondering what the latest 2024 LinkedIn profile character limits are for each of the sections? Check below to get an instant answer of the field character counts – Please note: Character counts include everything: spaces, letters, digits, symbols, etc. BASIC PROFILE INFORMATION: – First […]

How Many Jobs Should I List on my Resume?

When considering how many jobs should you list on a resume, it’s not just a question of quantity, but a strategic selection to align with the job description and elevate your interest with a potential employer. A resume is more than a mere list of your work history with all of your previous jobs; it’s […]

19 Flexible Work from Home Jobs for 2024

In the dynamic landscape of 2024, flexible work from home jobs have surged to the forefront of the employment scene, offering unparalleled adaptability and autonomy. This year shows signs that although in-person and hybrid are starting to re-take demand, there are still remote and project-based roles that have become a mainstay in our global economy. […]

Project Based Work in 2024

In the dynamic world of project based work, in my opinion, 2024 is shaping up to be a pivotal year. A blend of economic shifts and corporate restructuring, as forecasted by Forbes, is steering a significant number of professionals towards independent, project-focused roles. This trend emerges as a beacon of adaptability, allowing both individuals and […]

How to List Professional Memberships and Affiliations

Understanding how to list professional memberships and affiliations is a key aspect of crafting a compelling resume. For job seekers, these memberships (of course, including board membership) are a great way to showing commitment to professional development, leadership skills, and connection to your industry. In this guide, we will cover the steps necessary to effectively […]

How to Put Publications on a Resume

Mastering how to put publications on a resume (or CV – curriculum vitae) can be a game-changer in your job search. This skill is especially crucial for professionals in fields where having publications plays a pivotal role. Including well-chosen publications on your resume can significantly elevate your profile. It showcases your expertise and contributions to […]

Statement of Purpose vs Cover Letter: What’s the Difference?

When embarking on the path to higher education or stepping into the job market, understanding the “statement of purpose vs cover letter” distinction is not just beneficial—it’s essential. This article aims to demystify these two critical documents, highlighting their unique purposes and guiding you on how to craft each one effectively. While both are pivotal […]

Best Jobs for Reentering the Workforce in 2023

Finding the best jobs for reentering the workforce can be tough.  Especially if are you thinking about reentering the workforce after a significant break! Whether you’ve been a stay-at-home parent, taken time off for personal reasons, or paused your career for other commitments, returning to work in 2023 offers exciting and fulfilling opportunities. This comprehensive […]