Category: Job Searching

Best Job Search Sites – 2024

Today, the best job searching sites are more than just boards for postings; they are comprehensive platforms that cater to a multifaceted career search and development process. From improving your digital presence on LinkedIn to diving into the detailed employer insights on Glassdoor, these platforms offer a amazing tools to support your career goals. In […]

Project Based Work in 2024

In the dynamic world of project based work, in my opinion, 2024 is shaping up to be a pivotal year. A blend of economic shifts and corporate restructuring, as forecasted by Forbes, is steering a significant number of professionals towards independent, project-focused roles. This trend emerges as a beacon of adaptability, allowing both individuals and […]

Best Jobs for Reentering the Workforce in 2023

Finding the best jobs for reentering the workforce can be tough.  Especially if are you thinking about reentering the workforce after a significant break! Whether you’ve been a stay-at-home parent, taken time off for personal reasons, or paused your career for other commitments, returning to work in 2023 offers exciting and fulfilling opportunities. This comprehensive […]

Glassdoor vs LinkedIn a Comparison of Features

In the dynamic landscape of online job platforms, the debate of Glassdoor vs LinkedIn emerges as a critical consideration for both job seekers and employers. These two platforms stand as titans in the world of work, each offering unique tools and insights that can significantly influence career trajectories and recruitment strategies. As we embark on […]

Evaluating an Offer – Base Salary vs Total Compensation

When embarking on a job search or considering a new job offer, understanding the distinction between “base salary vs total compensation” is crucial. This knowledge not only empowers you to make informed decisions about your career but also equips you with the tools to negotiate effectively. Base salary, the fixed amount you see on your […]

Best Jobs for Young Adults That Are High-Paying

Finding the best jobs for young adults is a key step in life. It’s not just about making money. It’s about building a career and growing as a person. In today’s world, young people want jobs that give them more than just a paycheck. They want jobs that offer a good future. Why High-Paying Jobs […]

Best Jobs for Pregnant Moms in 2023 and Beyond!

Finding the best jobs for pregnant moms is hard because it not only can help ensure financial stability but also contributes to your overall well-being during this transformative period. Pregnancy brings with it a unique set of challenges in the workplace, ranging from the need for more frequent breaks to navigating the complexities of maternity […]

Best Jobs for Ex-teachers Looking for a Career Change

Hey there, former teachers! Thinking about a new job? You’re in the right spot as we dive into the best jobs for ex-teachers. This guide is all about finding a job that makes you as happy as teaching did. Let’s talk about how your teacher skills are actually superpowers for lots of jobs. Why Switch […]

The Best 200 Jobs for Introverts in 2023 by Category!

In the bustling world of careers and vocations, it often seems like the extroverts take center stage—thriving on the energy of others and seizing the spotlight with ease. But what about those of us who find strength in solitude and excel in the quieter corners of professional life? I know that introverts possess unique talents […]

How to Add a Resume to LinkedIn

Navigating the nuances of “How to Add a Resume to LinkedIn” is an essential skill for professionals in today’s digital age. LinkedIn, as a premier professional platform, is a beacon for recruiters, networking enthusiasts, and industry peers alike. Uploading your resume adds a deeper layer of professionalism, affording you a significant advantage in showcasing your […]

Are Cover Letters Still Relevant in Today’s Job Market?

“Are cover letters still relevant in today’s fast-paced, digital-centric job market?” It’s a question that many job seekers grapple with as they prepare their applications. Cover letters, once the cherished opportunity to make a lasting first impression, now stand at a crossroads of debate. While some argue that they’ve lost their luster, overshadowed by sleek […]