What to Say to a Recruiter on LinkedIn After Applying

“What to Say to a Recruiter on LinkedIn After Applying” – it’s a question that often lingers in the minds of job seekers after they’ve hit that ‘apply’ button. You’ve poured your efforts into crafting the perfect application, and now you’re plunged into the waiting game. In the vast digital expanse of LinkedIn, making your application stand out can feel daunting. However, a well-timed, thoughtful message to the recruiter might just be your secret weapon. Navigating this post-application phase with tact is crucial; after all, there’s a fine line between showing genuine interest and appearing pushy. Dive in with us as we demystify the art of the follow-up, ensuring your outreach leaves a memorable impact without overstepping.

Why Messaging a Recruiter on LinkedIn is Essential

In the age of digital connections, LinkedIn has become the modern-day hub for professionals. But with millions of users actively applying for jobs daily, how do you ensure your application isn’t just another drop in the ocean? The answer lies in the art of messaging and is why you should reach out to the recruiter after applying for a job.

1. Standing Out in a Crowded Market: Recruiters on LinkedIn are swamped with applications for every listed position. A thoughtful message can help elevate your profile, ensuring you don’t fade into the background. Think of it as your digital handshake—a simple yet effective way to be noticed.

2. Building a Personal Connection: Behind every LinkedIn profile is a human. By reaching out with a personalized message, you’re making a human-to-human connection. It’s a subtle reminder that you’re more than just a digital resume—you have aspirations, enthusiasm, and a genuine interest in the role.

3. Demonstrating Proactiveness: Taking the initiative to send a message shows you’re proactive and genuinely interested in the position. It indicates you’re not just passively applying but are actively engaged in pursuing the role.

4. Enhancing Recall Value: Your message can act as a gentle nudge, prompting the recruiter to revisit your profile or application. In a world of fleeting digital interactions, helping a recruiter remember your name is half the battle won.

In essence, while your application showcases your qualifications and experiences, a follow-up message on LinkedIn adds a personal touch, bridging the gap between being a prospective candidate and a potential colleague.

Preparing Before You Message

Before you craft that pivotal follow-up message, a bit of preparation can go a long way in making the right impression. Let’s ensure you’re not just reaching out, but reaching out with intent.

1. Research the Recruiter: You wouldn’t walk into an interview without knowing a bit about the interviewer, would you? The same principle applies here. Familiarize yourself with the recruiter’s role, their tenure at the current company, and any recent accomplishments or updates they’ve shared. Personalizing your message with a tidbit of what you’ve learned can show dedication and genuine interest.

2. Revisit the Job Listing: It’s easy to mix up details, especially if you’re juggling multiple job applications. Take a moment to revisit the specific job listing you applied for on LinkedIn. Refresh your memory about what the role entails, the qualifications sought, and any other pertinent details. Referencing a specific aspect from the listing can add weight to your message.

3. Stay Updated on Company News: Companies value candidates who are not just interested in a job, but in the organization’s journey and vision. A quick look at the company’s LinkedIn page or news section on their website can provide insights into recent milestones, product launches, or other noteworthy events. Mentioning one of these updates in your message demonstrates initiative and can instantly impress the recruiter.

The crux? Don’t just message—message with knowledge. Your efforts in preparation can make the difference between a message that’s skimmed over and one that’s remembered.

Crafting the Perfect Message

Sending a message on LinkedIn might seem straightforward, but there’s an art to ensuring it captures attention and sets the right tone. Here’s your step-by-step guide to making every word count:

1. Subject Line: First impressions matter. Your subject line should be crystal clear and directly related to your application. For instance: “Follow-up on [Position Name] Application.”

2. Start with a Salutation: A generic “Hi” can come off as impersonal. If you know the recruiter’s name, use it. “Hello [Recruiter’s Name],” instantly adds a touch of personalization.

3. State Your Intent: Clarity is key. Right off the bat, mention the role you’ve applied for to provide context.

4. Reiterate Your Interest: Remind the recruiter why this role excites you. Is it the company culture? The challenges of the position? Share a brief reason to underscore your enthusiasm.

5. Be Concise: While it’s tempting to provide a full rundown of your qualifications, remember that recruiters are often pressed for time. Keep your message succinct and focused.

6. Close Politely: A gracious sign-off can leave a lasting impression. Express your gratitude for their time and convey hope for a potential response or feedback.

Examples of Effective Messages:


Subject: Follow-up on Marketing Manager Application

Message: Hello [Recruiter’s Name], I recently applied for the Marketing Manager role and am genuinely excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name]’s innovative strategies. Having seen your recent campaign on [Specific Platform], I’m even more eager to be part of such a dynamic team. I appreciate your time and look forward to any feedback.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Subject: Application for Data Analyst Position – Follow-up

Message: Hi [Recruiter’s Name], I’ve applied for the Data Analyst role and am truly inspired by [Company Name]’s approach to data-driven decisions. The recent post about your company’s achievements in data optimization caught my eye, further cementing my desire to join the team. I’d be grateful for any response or insights into the application process.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


Subject: Checking in: Senior Developer Role Application

Message: Dear [Recruiter’s Name], Following my application for the Senior Developer position, I wanted to express my keen interest in contributing to [Company Name]’s tech advancements. The recent software launch you showcased on LinkedIn impressed me, and I’m excited about the potential of being involved in similar projects. Awaiting any updates or feedback.

Kind regards,

[Your Name]

Things to Avoid When Messaging a Recruiter

While reaching out to a recruiter on LinkedIn can offer numerous benefits, there are certain missteps that can quickly dampen your chances. Here’s what to steer clear of when sending that crucial follow-up message:

1. Being Over-Persistent: Eagerness is commendable, but bombarding a recruiter with messages can come off as desperate or, worse, annoying. Remember, patience is a virtue. After sending your initial message, give the recruiter some time to respond. If you don’t hear back after a reasonable timeframe (typically a week or so), then consider a gentle reminder. But avoid flooding their inbox.

2. Using Generic Templates: While there are countless templates available online, it’s essential to personalize your message. Recruiters can spot a generic message from a mile away, and it can quickly undermine your efforts. Tailor your note to the company, role, and recruiter, showing genuine interest and effort.

3. Bragging: There’s a fine line between showcasing your achievements and coming off as arrogant. Yes, you want to make an impression and highlight why you’re a fitting candidate, but it’s crucial to do so with humility. Instead of listing every accolade, focus on relevant experiences and express enthusiasm for potential learning and growth opportunities within the role.

In essence, your message to the recruiter should be a balance of confidence and courtesy. Avoiding these common pitfalls can go a long way in ensuring your outreach is both effective and well-received.

When to Follow Up With the Recruiter

So, you’ve crafted the perfect message, keeping in mind the do’s and don’ts. But when exactly should you send it? The timing of your follow-up is as crucial as the content. Here’s a guideline to help you navigate the tricky waters of post-application communication.

1. Ideal Time Frame Post-Application: It’s generally advisable to wait about a week after submitting your application before reaching out to the recruiter. This time frame strikes a balance between showing genuine interest and giving the recruiter adequate time to process applications. Jumping in too early may seem hasty while waiting too long might convey a lack of genuine interest.

2. Understanding the Hiring Timeline: While a week is a good general rule, it’s also beneficial to be aware of the hiring timeline. If the job listing mentions a specific application review date or a start date, you can tailor your follow-up accordingly. For instance, if the job posting states that application reviews will begin in two weeks, consider sending your message just before that period to keep your application top-of-mind.

Additionally, if the recruiter provided any insights into the timeline during earlier interactions (like an acknowledgment email after receiving your application), factor those in. Remember, the goal is to be proactive without appearing pushy.

In summary, when following up with a recruiter on LinkedIn, timing is key. By being mindful of both the general best practices and the specific hiring process of the company, you can ensure your message arrives at the optimal moment, maximizing its impact.


Navigating the post-application phase on LinkedIn might seem like a delicate dance, but with the right approach, it’s one you can master with grace. By understanding “What to Say to a Recruiter on LinkedIn After Applying,” you not only enhance your visibility in the job market but also foster genuine connections with industry professionals. Remember, the key is to balance enthusiasm with respect, showcasing your interest without overwhelming. As with many things in life, it’s not just about reaching out but doing so thoughtfully and at the right time. So, armed with these insights, take a deep breath, craft that message, and step confidently into your next career chapter. Best of luck!